
Retaining a positive reputation is a critical and demanding aspect of every business. Prompt and decisive action is crucial when serious human rights allegations arise. Detecting human rights violation indicators can be intricate, as they often defy conventional checklist assessments. Investigating allegations requires a more adaptable and exploratory model. Leveraging our extensive fieldwork experience, research, and insights, we have crafted a distinctive investigative approach to address these challenges effectively.

What we doIndependent verification of allegations or suspicions of human rights violations.Identification of root causes when allegations are substantiated.

Recommendations for remediation, focusing on appropriate and effective actions.


Employing forensic methodology, our skilled team uncovers root causes and seeks accurate findings, leaving no stone unturned for clarity.

Understanding of cultural and industrial contexts

We grasp cultural and industrial contexts, identifying factors contributing to issues. This awareness leads to targeted, impactful solutions driving real change.

Critical thinking

We understand the importance of approaching each work integrally and believe in the power

Out of the box

Our inquisitive, pragmatic mindset sets us apart. We embrace creative, open-minded approaches, swiftly adapting to uncover nuanced insights overlooked by others.

What can we help you with?